
Wednesday, March 12, 1862

   Posted by: Karen Furst   in Diary, Diary Entries

march 12th march to Snickersville
By way of neatland and Bersemill
17 miles Refer to first page
there I remained with my
wounded brother

[First page, undated]
Wilst I was at Snickersville with my
Brother from march 12th up to April 1st
the Regiment marched to Upperville Distant
12 miles thence to Aldie 13 miles thence
Back to Snickersville 11 miles thence
to midle Burgh 15 miles thence
to white Plaines 9 miles there I joined
them again


This entry was posted on Saturday, November 1st, 2008 at 3:57 pm and is filed under Diary, Diary Entries. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One comment


On this day, Colonel Geary of the 28 P.V.I. “left a garrison in Leesburg…moved forward on the morning of the 12th, sixteen miles to Snickersville, having a spirited skirmish on the way. …proceeded to Upperville on the 14th, driving Ashby’s and the 6th Virginia Cavalry” A force of rebel cavalry was driven, on the 15th, from Ashby’s Gap to hold Snicker’s Gap was of essential importance to the operations around Winchester as well as Thoroughfare Gap. The Rebels destroyed their goods at Gainesville. By the 20th, the 28th P.V.I. had taken possession of Rectortown, Piedmont, Markham, Linden and Front Royal. Lt. Col. De Karponay, left at Leesburg with three companies, joined the command at Snickersville on the 25th. The Reg. reached White Plains on the Manassas R.R. on the 29th. On April 3rd the command moved to ten miles to Greenwich and on the 4th reached Catlett’s station on the M.R.R.

November 1st, 2008 at 7:51 pm

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